Deborah – managing her life with cancer with ByYourSide
PP-UNP-GBR-1160 / August 2022
My name's Debra. I'm a farmer's wife. I live in the Yorkshire Dales. Married to James. We live on a working beef and sheep farm. I was 36, 37 when I was diagnosed with stage two breast cancer, and I had a mastectomy. I was then diagnosed again in 2015. I would recommend using the ByYourSide app because anything that makes your life easier during treatment has got to be positive.
Using the app to monitor your pain, taking it to a hospital appointment, would be really beneficial for your consultant because once you get in the consultation room, your mind goes completely blank. Whereas if it's in the app and you've got it written down, and you can show the mate and that takes the pressure off you of having to remember things because you can't remember everything.
Through the treatment, it's not all bad. You do have good days. You do have bad days. If it's in one place, then you can forget about it. You don't have to worry about remembering it because it's in the place for you.
PP-UNP-GBR-1160 / August 2022